Salt Hour

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and felt so small 

Whenever I was a child, I remember my mother smiling and saying "Girls! Girls! Come outside and look at the sky - There's a meteor shower going on!". My two sisters and I came running out there to discover what my mom was so excited about. 

I remember looking up and seeing thousands and thousands of stars in the sky. All of a sudden an unfamiliar fear came over me. Even though I thought I was a "big kid", I felt tiny at the moment. I quickly found shelter in my mothers leg, gripping it for dear life. I could hear the excitement in my sisters voices and their feet jumping up and down off the wet grass. Yet, for some reason, I was stuck. I could not make myself look up at the sky to see the light show. I was afraid. 

I am now twenty-two years old and this is a fear I have not gotten over until very recently. Until now, I had still refused to look up for more than a couple seconds during the night. 

During a church service this past Wednesday, our pastor began speaking of the signs and wonders that God shows us in the sky (Luke 21, Revelations..). All of sudden, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me.

Here is the revelation that He spoke:

As I grew into a woman, I began having visions and dreams that I had no doubt were from the Lord. However, in a very specific time period of my life (about three yrs ago), I had a dream that left me SHOOK. In this dream, I was looking up into the night sky, scared and shaking. But instead of looking down, I had courage to keep looking up. All of a sudden, I saw more stars than I could have ever even imagined. The strange thing is is that they all aligned to give me a message. I heard the voice of God speak and I was afraid, so I turned my head. As I turned it, I was facing the moon. This moon not like a normal moon. It was HUGE. I heard a ticking, so I blinked and it turned into a pocket watch. 

Now, I am not telling you this for you to try to figure out what the deep meaning of this dream was. I am trying to get you to understand that God was talking to me through my biggest fear. 

See, the devil will do anything in his power to stop you from receiving a message from God. All of my life, I was afraid of stars and the night sky. And to be real, how strange is that!? I mean... who the heck is afraid of something like that? 

Just like Satan wants to kill your dreams and steal your destiny, he also strives to destroy your relationship with God. What better way than to cut off communication. We have all heard the saying "Communication is the key to a stable relationship", right? 

We are all unique and God likes to communicate with each of us differently. Some are through visions, some of us can hear Him clearly, and some of us are through signs and wonders. 

Be aware of the devils schemes. Cast your fears on the Lord! You never know how truly deep they can be hindering you.
